
Lecture 7 - Secure Multiparty Computation for Machine Learning

Seventh lecture of the PhD course AI and Cryptography (June 2023)

Lecture 8 - Wrap-up and discussion of open problems

Eighth (and final) lecture of the PhD course AI and Cryptography (June 2023)

Lecture 6 - Deep Learning-based Side-Channel Analysis (Guest lecture)

Sixth lecture of the PhD course AI and Cryptography (June 2023)

Lecture 4 - Deep Neural Networks and Adversarial Examples

Fourth lecture of the PhD course AI and Cryptography (June 2023)

Lecture 5 - Differential Privacy for Adversarial Robustness

Fifth lecture of the PhD course AI and Cryptography (June 2023)

AI and Cryptography (PhD Course, June 2023)

PhD Course that I gave at the University of Trieste in June 2023, focusing on the intersection of AI and Cryptography.

Lecture 2 - Boolean Functions and Evolutionary Algorithms

Second lecture of the PhD course AI and Cryptography (June 2023)

Lecture 3 - Evolutionary Algorithms and Cellular Automata for the Design of Boolean Functions

Third lecture of the PhD course AI and Cryptography (June 2023)

Lecture 1 - Course overview and introduction to cryptography

First lecture of the PhD course AI and Cryptography (June 2023)